All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.
Saint Francis Of Assisi - patron saint of animals and environment
Each week we hold vigil at the Toronto slaughterhouse and invite everyone to join us to help shine light into the darkest corners of our city, and of our species. The hidden violence that doesn’t have to be. The unnecessary suffering that we continue to inflict on non-human animals, our fellow citizens of Earth, has carried on for so long because of our social conditioning. We’ve been taught to look away, to not care, and even encouraged to do so.
By bearing witness we tear down the walls of social conditioning when we make the connection between who is on our plates and the very much alive, aware, emotional, sentient being who suffers for our blindness. We are here to bring the hidden victims into view and to make sure they no longer remain unseen by helping people to remove their blinders.
We urge you to join us. Bring a friend. Bear witness. Get active to help them.
All of the following images were taken at local slaughterhouses and “livestock” auctions. If you’d like to use our photos for animal rights and vegan advocacy, please contact us for a high resolution copy.