We see you. We hear you. We love you.
You are not alone.

Video: Agnes Cseke



Video is an important part of our vigils to help people connect with the animals who can’t physically attend.

Much gratitude to those who attend, record or live stream, and share with us. Please watch and share these videos to help animals.

For bearing witness testimonials, please visit: Bearing Witness with the Animals Rights Movement


The Victims

January 12, 2021
Victims of the #dairy industry, moments from slaughter in Toronto.
#nationalmilkday #nationalmilkfreedayPlease share, join us, be her voice.

January 12, 2021 / An exhausted mother is crushed under the weight of her terrified friends as they await their violent fate at a Toronto slaughterhouse at yesterday's vigil. Exhausted mothers from the dairy industry are ground into hamburger.

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Unborn calves, killed along with their mothers, are piled into dumpsters at a Toronto Halal slaughterhouse. Victims of the dairy industry.

Video: Bearing Witness with the Animal Rights Movement

They've been bred to be used and abused. On their final ride to the slaughterhouse the truck waited for half an hour before pulling in.

Video: Bearing Witness with the Animal Rights Movement

Connecting with a scared, sensitive cow (steer) moments before he has his throat slit at St. Helen’s Meat Packers (slaughterhouse).

Video: L. Jorgensen - Toronto Cow Save

"I really honestly feel that just going vegan it's not enough, that is just the first step. You need to do something for the animals..." says Jonathan

Video: Bearing Witness with the Animal Rights Movement

WARNING: GRAPHIC !! Undercover video taken at Ryding-Regency Halal slaughterhouse in Toronto, Canada of calves at slaughter. Note the movement of cows as ...

Video: Len Goldberg for Toronto Cow Save

Look into her eyes and you will see the sadness, the suffering and her resignation. Everything was taken away from her, her children, her body and her life. ...

Video: Bearing Witness with the Animal Rights Movement


The Witnesses

Those who join us tell us why being here, bearing witness is crucial to make change.


Student, Mithat’s emotional first vigil.

LA film maker Bobby Sud joins us for a vigil for the cows.

Something Switched in Me - Speaking with Jamie and Vanessa

The Greatest Injustice in the World - Speaking with Tre

Speaking with Animal Justice lawyer Camille Labchuck

Musician and Halal Butcher turns vegan - speaking with Kice

Love Should Not Be Illegal - Speaking with Christopher Randall