As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.
Leo Tolstoy - writer, philosopher, social activist
Violence, hidden in plain view.
If you’ve been at or near the Stockyards Village shopping complex, at St. Clair Avenue West and Keele Street in Toronto, you many have noticed a pungent smell in the air but unable to locate where it’s coming from. If you followed the smell you’d find, just a block away, the sights and sounds to be shocking. Trucks hauling freshly dismembered body parts and skins, trails of blood up and down the road, body parts tumbling out of the buildings from conveyor belts into dump trucks, the sound of animals calling out in distress.
A real-life horror movie playing out before our eyes.
Body Parts
Body parts of recently murdered victims come from inside the kill factory, along a conveyor belt and drop from a chute into a massive dump truck outside of the building. The truck is overflowing from unused body parts from the morning kills. Terrified live animals, fully aware of the sights and smells of death around them, are loaded into the building only 50 feet away. Many calling out in distress for help.
Photo: Seagulls and other birds feed on still-warm discarded body parts.
Trails of blood are regularly witnessed up and down Glenn Scarlett Road in front of the slaughterhouses, often seen pouring into the city’s sewer systems.
Pedestrians have been heard saying they feel like they’ve walked straight into a horror movie set.
Photo: Trails and pools of blood are often seen on and around Gunns Road.
The Unborn
Pregnant cows are shown no mercy at the slaughterhouse. Unborn calf remains in various stages of development are witnessed regularly when the disposal truck arrives to take the organs and heads of cows used in the dairy industry to the incinerator. Babies are killed along with their mothers. No one is shown mercy at the slaughterhouse.
Photo : Toronto, Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Trucks heaped with still-steaming skins that were recently stripped from murdered cows can be seen leaving the slaughterhouse and heading to the leather factory down the road - leaving a trail of blood in it’s wake.
Photo: A truck filled with still warm skins drips blood all the way to the leather factory.