When the suffering of another creature causes you to feel pain, do not submit to the initial desire to flee from the suffering one; on the contrary, come closer, as close as you can to (s)he who suffers, and try to help.
Leo Tolstoy - writer, philosopher, social activist
Toronto Cow Save
Toronto Cow Save is a chapter of the Animal Save Movement, an international network of groups of people working together to end the use and exploitation of non-human persons. We hold peaceful vigils at slaughterhouses to bear witness to the billions of animals who are trapped in the human food, clothing, science, and entertainment industries to bring public awareness to their suffering.
Why do we encourage everyone to bear witness?
Bearing witness to the living animals that we consume has a profound effect on our choices and to our attitude towards these sentient beings who are mostly, and intentionally, hidden from public view. To witness and to empathize with their suffering, to see them as the unique, individual persons that they are wakes us from our cultural slumber and, for those already vegan, strengthens our resolve to end this injustice.
Dr. Melanie Joy, psychologist and author, eloquently explains the power of bearing witness.
Canadian pop/rock artists Stephanie Braganza speaks about her experience bearing witness to mother cows entering St. Helen’s slaughterhouse with Toronto Cow Save and how it inspired the creation of her anti-dairy song and music video, “Chains of Silence”.
We believe that ending violence and oppression must be done with respect for all beings, regardless of sex, race or species. We work to educate others about the hidden violence on their plates and how to thrive while causing the least amount of harm to others (vegan). Bearing witness creates advocates for animals.
Please join Toronto Cow Save’s vigils for the cows, calves, and lambs. Vigils are held at the corners of Gunns Road and Glenn Scarlett located behind the Stockyards Village shopping complex at the north-west corner of Keele Street and St. Clair Avenue West in Toronto. Please check our Events page and Facebook events page for dates and times.
To find Toronto Pig Save and Toronto Chicken Save information, please visit TorontoPigSave.org. For all other locations or to learn how to start your own chapter, please go to our international website for further information: www.animalsavemovement.org
Join us! They desperately need YOUR voice.