Spotlight: Christopher Randall
Toronto Cow Save enables me to be part of a positive group that demonstrates their loving compassion for animals each week. It's an "on street" visible group of amazingly loving souls who want nothing more than to make a difference and demonstrate their commitment to saving and loving these beautiful gentle souls.
It's an honor to stand on the street in front of St. Helen's Meat Packing company and bear witness to the inhumane treatment of these thousands of beautiful animals. To do this as part of Toronto Cow Save gives me as an individual an opportunity to be part of a group that believes in the principles of loving compassion for all life forms.
Being engaged with others strengthens us all individually and collectively in our resolve to end this unspeakable cruelty.
In fact it wasn't until I attended Cow Save and Pig Save protests and saw the animals arriving to their horrific deaths that I made the decision to stop eating meat and dairy products and become a Vegan. What I saw as the trucks arrived moved my soul to want to make that decision and convince others that animals should be protected from cruelty and suffering and being murdered for food and in the case of cows made into leather products. Once you love someone (the cows) you can't harm them in any way much less bring about their death to eat them and you want to fight with every ounce of your being to save them.
Toronto Cow Save organizer Louise Jorgensen opens her arms every Tuesday in a loving welcoming manner to help us be part of making our world a better place for cows, humans and all those possessing life. Bless her and Toronto Cow Save and in the words of the great emancipation anthem - "We Shall Overcome Some Day".
Christopher Randall is Vice-President of Marketing & Promotion at Zoomer Radio and The New Classical FM in Toronto.